lateral move(cops-walking-the-beat是什么意思)

2023-07-25 11:25:05 17

lateral move(cops-walking-the-beat是什么意思)



cops walking the beat步行巡逻的警察walk the beat巡逻 例句 1.When the fore leg and the hind leg on the same side move almost on the samebeat, the walk tends to become an almost lateral movement.当同侧的前肢和后肢几乎同时动作时,慢步会倾向于几乎是同侧运动。2.In its view, prison guards "walk the toughest beat in the state" , as its motto hasit.在采访期间,狱警以“在最强烈的打击下行走”作为赋予它的座右铭。

帮忙翻译为英文 谢了! 急急急!

2Sufferer XX, male, 48 years old, the main cause"keep on chest pain 2 hours" emergency call hospitalize.The history of the disease of the denial high blood pressure, diabetes.Have the smoke wine the habit.Sufferer’s 2 hourses ago in running in abrupt the area squeeze the kind violent ache before the heart and have never project pain, the companion big sweat, alleviated after"soon the effect save heart pill 10 grains", diagnose.Check-up:The T is 36.3 ℃ , P 80 times/cent, R 22 times/cent, the BP 110/70 mmHg, pain and sufferings noodles permit, the double lung smelt and stem wet sound;Heart rate 80 times/cent, Lyu together, each valve listen to diagnose area to have no the pathology miscellaneous sound, not intentional pack fricatives;The stomach is soft and have no obvious press pain, have no anti- jump pain, liver Pi rib bottom touch.The double legs has no obvious nasarca.The electrocardiogram see Ⅰ , AVL, the V1-V5 ST segment top lift a 0.2-0.3 mv, nasty check TNT, myocardial Mao feminine gender, reexamination electrocardiogram it is thus clear that the Ⅰ , AVL, the V1-V5 ST segment keep on top to lift 0.2-0.4 mv.Diagnosis:Coronary:Impatient and extensive front wall, Gao Ze4 Bi4’s myocardial infarction, the heart function I class(killp).The diagnosis is explicit, give after"department wood’s 300 mg, sulfuric acid hydrogen chlorine ratio the space thunder 600 mg" take orally, emergency call PCI inauguration criminal blood vessel.Build shadow to show:front decline near carry 100% narrow, give sufferer the pathological changes transplant support 1, in the Shu appeared room to once move soon, HR 130-150 times/cent, consideration again infuse to note heart Lyu disorder, give sufferer synchronous the direct current wire reply the Lyu 100 J to turn into Dou Lyu at a time, Pin hair room early, benefit many card because of 50 mg iv empress press 1:1 maintain a little bit quiet, surgical operation process smoothly, empress 3 hours room the disappearance early stop using, in the Shu, Shu empress give for non- class the 16 ml/h after calm down push pump by 15 ml/h to strengthen anti- blood platelets into the 36 h, the Shu future trouble chest be painful to obviously alleviate, Shu empress right away electrocardiogram it is thus clear that jack up of the ST drop more than 50%, empress the Shu 1.5 hour, the ST be basic to return to wait electric potential line and continue take charge of Lin2 Chang2 Rong2’s slice 0.1, the Qd anti- blood platelets of the sulfuric acid hydrogen chlorine Mao space thunder 75 mg gathering, reach heparin sodium 5000 U Q12 h anti- Ning, the thunder rice Pu benefit 5 mg the Qd prevent ventricles heavy Gou, the United States from give the Luo Er 25 mg the Bid ease a myocardial to consume oxygen, Pu to fell a his Ting 20 mg Qn stability spot piece an etc. treatment.Check the TNT 0.95 ng/ml after hospitalize, the CK 1129 U/L, the CK-MB 206.6 U/L, the WBC 12.57 X109/L, the GR be 80.0%, the RBC 4.50 X1012/L, the HGB 148 g/l, the PLT 166 X109/L, the CRP 8 mg/l, 6 check heart a super voice repay the stanza segment in the days to come room wall sport abnormality(room partition and left before the room wall), left room comfortable piece function decrease, left room comfortable piece last phase inside the path 57 mm, the LVEF be 67% and continue anti- blood platelets, stability spot piece, improvement the myocardial heavy Gou wait treatment, 9 diva condition stability, carry out hospital discharge. Medical history 3:Sufferer Wei X, male, 26 years old, the main cause"abrupt chest stuffy and short of breath day, aggravate for an hour" emergency call hospitalize.The sufferer after a day ago take a shower appear chest stuffy and short of breath, have no chest pain, spit blood, have no big sweat, have no disgusted, vomit, have no dizzy, headache and have fever, have no black Meng dizzy Jue, don’t to special treatment, the sufferer above-mentioned symptom aggravate an hour ago, and appear dizzy come to hospital.Smoke cigarette a history for 3 years, about 10/day.Check-up:The T is 36.4 ℃ , P132 time/cent, R20 time/cent, BP130/77 mmHg, absolute being the pure body be fat, right descend lung breath a sound lower, the double lung have no sound;The heart boundary isn’t big, heart rate 132 times/cent, Lyu together, P 2》 A2, each valve listenned to diagnose area and don’t smell the pathology miscellaneous sound;Stomach just like often;Left legs the righter legs be thick, differ a 1 cm on the knee, knee bottom differ 2.5 cm.Assistance check:Electrocardiogram: The S Ⅰ Q Ⅲ T Ⅲ change.The blood white cell 22.9 X109 l/L, D-two gather the body 2.0 mg/L, TNT feminine gender, guts analysis:PH 7.469, PO241.8 mmHg.The PCO224.8 mmHg, chest strengthen CT:Double side lung the artery bolt to fill, the heart pack accumulate a liquid, double the lung knot stanza Suo shadow.The legs blood vessel is colourful super show left side 腘 vein, the vein last blood bolt formation empress the Jing.First step diagnosis:The impatient lung bolt to fill and the legs vein blood bolt.Give after hospitalize department wood and the chlorine Mao space thunder anti- blood platelets, low mark sub- heparin anti- Ning, ground Er sulphur the Zhuo lower lung artery high pressure, urine arouse Mao to dissolve to bolt treatment, in the hospital treatment 32 diva, condition amendment hospital discharge. 完成。对于医学专用术语,我不是很肯定。仅作参考(毕竟我不是这个专业的)。

谁能帮我把这段中文翻译成英文 急用万谢 就这一段了 感谢英语大大

The discovery of the wounded, should check the head has no injury, whether in a dangerous state. The most important is to do not move patients, and the following procedure of rapid rescue: a sleeping posture: let the injured side, head back, ensure the unimpeded respiratory tract. B if the breath stop give artificial respiration, if the pulse disappeared for cardiac massage. C if the scalp bleeding, such as direct compression hemostasis by gauze clean. If a head injury, blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the nose, ear outflow, it must be wounded procumbent, ipsilateral downward. Left ear, nose outflow of cerebrospinal fluid during downwards on the left side, right flow right down. If the throat and nasal bleeding, are easy to cause breathing difficulties, should let the wounded taken sleeping posture, to breathe easy. Note 1 injured after a headache and dizziness, is injured; except in addition to mydriasis, hemiplegia or exhausting, at least it is above the middle cerebral injury. In 2 patients with cerebral trauma if frequent vomiting, headache and confusion and other symptoms, it can never be careless, shall be promptly sent to hospital for treatment. The 3 injured as the cerebrospinal fluid outflow, it is best not to use gauze, absorbent cotton plugs in the nasal cavity or external auditory canal, because this caused by infection.

关于 汽车安全气囊的 英文原文

就叫Airbag,实际上中文应该叫“空气气囊”,而不是安全气囊,因为它需要与安全带配合才能起到保护车内人员的安全,否则的话,空气气囊会起到相反的作用,因为空气气囊快速充气的瞬间的力量可以弹碎一个西瓜,可想而知,如果没有安全带的配合,空气气囊对乘员的伤害有多大。在中国,由于被错误的翻译成“安全气囊”,造成很多人都以为它是万能,是安全的,往往不挤安全带,殊不知这种行为是相当危险的。Airbag is a vehicle safety device. It is an occupant restraint consisting of a flexible envelope designed to inflate rapidly in an automobile collision, to prevent vehicle occupants from striking hard interior objects such as steering wheels.气囊是一种车辆上的安全设备,它是由一个充气气袋组成的乘客约束系统,当发生汽车碰撞时,用来快速充气防止乘客与车内坚硬的物体接触,比如方向盘

lateral move(cops-walking-the-beat是什么意思)






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