
2023-06-25 10:30:03 17





  Clerk:Good morning. Wilson Association。

  Brown:This is Mr. Brown speaking. I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas。

  Clerk:I’m sorry, but Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago。

  Brown:I’ve been trying to call him for the last ten minutes, but your line was busy. Will he be back soon?

  Clerk:I’m afraid not. He is away for the rest of the day。

  Brown:Is there other way I can reach him?

  Clerk:I’m afraid not. He has gone out of this town on business. May I take a message?

  Brown:I have a business appointment with him at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, but I’m afraid I can’t make it。

  Clerk:Would you like to make another appointment?

  Brown:Unfortunately, I’m leaving here unexpectedly, and I may be away for several days。

  Clerk:I see. I’ll tell Mr. Thomas that you’ve called。

  Brown:Thank you。


  Jerry:Happy Thanksgiving Day!


  Lucy:Do you have any plans?


  Jerry:Not really, all my friends are going home. It’s like Chinese Spring Festival. What are you going to do?


  Lucy:If you’re interested, you can come with me and my friends to Ada’s parents’ place. Ada’s whole family will be there。


  Jerry:That’s very kind. Thanks. I’d love to come。


  Lucy: That’s wonderful. I’m glad you’re coming. We get to see how other families spend their Thanksgiving。


  Jerry:Could you tell me something about it?



  日常聊天英语对话:Is there any other life out there

  Dialogue one

  Do you believe in UFOs?

  Sure, a UFO is just species going from other planets. If you think about it, our space shuttles are UFOs.

  I’ve never thought about like that before.

  I’ve seen photos of UFO in America before, but they’ve all of darked up.

  Do you think there’s life on other planets?

  I think there must be.

  Why is that?

  I don’t think it will make sense if we are the only being in this whole world. The world is just far to big for that.

  Do you think there’s intelligent life trying to contact us?

  No, but we are trying to contact them.

  I suppose you are right.

  I think the country is working hard to find a planet that we can live on in the future, so that when global warming destroys this planet, human kind will not become extinct.

  Do you really think global warming will destroy earth someday?

  There’s a lot of evidence suggests it will. But I don’t think it’s gonna happen anytime soon.

  Dialogue two

  Guess what? I know something you don’t know.

  What’s that?

  How many planets are there in the Solar System?

  That’s easy. Everyone knows there are nine.

  NOt anymore. Can you believe it? They’ve decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore.

  Nice try. I wasn’t born yesterday you know.

  I am dead serious. They’ve decided that it’s too small to be a planet. But actually they haven’t yet agreed on how big something has to be in order to be a planet anymore.

  That sounds crazy. But they can’t just change their minds about things like that.

  Yes, they can. If you remember correctly people used to believe the world was flat.

  I suppose you are right. They also used to think that they were so important that the sun revloved around them, not the other way around.

  We actually know relatively little about space and cosmos.

  Do you that oneday we are able to travel to another planet for a vacation?

  I suppose we could actually live on a planet outside the Milky Way.

  Do you think we will get to meet Elites from outer space?

  I hope not. I think it would be a threat to those of us that live in the earth.

  You are so old fashined. That’s what people used to think about people from another country.

  Point taking. Hopefully one day we are living in an interplanet society.


  Dialogue one

  A: It’s a lovely day out today, isn’t it?

  B: It’s beautiful, joy won’t last. Suppose to get cold tomorrow.

  A: What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  B: Suppose to snow early tomorrow morning. And then tomorrow afternoon there is a chance of freezing rain.

  A: That doesn’t sound pretty.

  B: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

  A: Well, I was going to drive to Birmingham to see some friends.

  B: You may want to change your plans with the cold and wet weather that we suppose to have tomorrow. The roads are going to be rather slippery.

  A: I suppose I should. I don’t like driving in dangerous weather conditions. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

  B: I just have to go to class tomorrow afternoon.

  A: If you are lucky, it will get canceled, and you can have a snow day.

  B: if that happens, then I’ll invite you all here, and we can drink hot coco, and watch movies.

  A: That sounds like a fun.

  B: Hey, look outside, it’s starting to drizzle.

  A: English weather is even more predictable than I had previously thought.

  Dialogue two:

  A: Are you ready to go to the supermarket?

  B: Yes, are you?

  A: I’ve got my money and my keys. So I’m ready.

  B: You do know that it’s absolutely freezing out, don’t you? I will put a coat on, if I were you.

  A: It wasn’t cold out this morning. Well, it started raining since then. Look out the window, it’s pouring rain out there.

  B: Oh, I guess we’d better grab our umbrella then as well.

  A: Have a look at outside for me. Does that look like a hell to you?

  B: It does actually. Maybe we should wait for it clear up before we go shopping.

  A: That’s a good idea. But maybe we should move the car, so that the hail doesn’t dent it.

  B: Ok, I’ll go move the car if you turn the heat on. It’s a bit chilly here.

  A: How long do you think this hail storm suppose to last?

  B: I don’t know. The weatherman didn’t say anything about this in the weather report last night.

  A: Maybe we should turn on the news in case it suppose to get worse.

  B: I don’t thing we have anything to worry about. Do you want to put on a cup of tea as well?

  A: Good idea, that’ll help us to warm up.

  B: If I’m not back in ten minutes, come and find me.

  A: All right, I’ll have a cup of tea waiting for you.


  Ann: It’s very late.


  Lily: Yes, I think so.

  Ann: What are we going to eat?


  Lily: I don’t know. It’s up to you.


  Ann: At school, having dinner is the biggest problem.


  Lily: Do you like to go out eating?


  Ann: Where?


  Lily: The student street.


  Ann: Ok. Let’s go. What are we eating?


  Lily: I don’t know.

  Tom: Mr. Li. Nice to meet you!


  Lee: Nice to meet you!


  Tom: We thank you for your offer.


  Lee: It’s my pleasure. I am very happy that I can help you.


  Tom: Thank you again.。


  Lee: How about the houses? I wish that you would live fortable.


  Tom: They are very nice.


  Lee: Is there anything I can do? Please let me know.


  Tom: Don’t say that. You have done too much for us. We can do the rest part.


  Lee: If you need the help, tell me. It’s good for all.

  君: Sir, don’t *** oke here.


  B君: Who says?


  A君: It’s the public place.


  B君: I do what I like.


  A君: You have hurt others’ health.


  B君: Who says?


  A君: We invite your attention to your behavior.


  B君: Do you know who you are talking to?


  A君: I don’t know, but please put out your cigar.


  B君: Fine. Wait and see.

  Ann: Hello!


  Lily: Hello!


  Ann: Long time no see.


  Lily: Yes, these days, I am very busy.


  Ann: What’s up?


  Lily: The Spring Festival is on the way, and my house is out of order.


  Ann: I like doing sweeping.


  Lily: Yes, I always can find something I missed.


  Ann: Yes, it is very happy.


  Lily: That’s right.





  日常英语交流对话:Getting an interview


  W:How is your job search going?

  M:I don’t know. I’m only start looking for a job a few days ago.

  W:I see. Have you found anything that you’re interested in?

  M:I’ve only found a few openings in my field.

  W: What kind of job you’re looking for?

  M:I’m trying to find a job in sound engineering.

  W:Hmm, there’s not a very high demand for that kind of job, is there?

  M:Unfortunately not. If I can’t find anything in that field, then I can also work in the tourism field.

  W:That’s a good idea.You have a plenty of experience in the tourism industry, don’t you?


  W:By the way, I saw a job in the paper this morning that You might be interested in.

  M:Really? What is it?

  W:It’s a job at recritment agency.

  M:That’s interesting. Do you think it’ll hire me ?

  W:Well, you have a plenty of experience job hunting. I think you would be the perfect person for the job.

  M:That’s true. I might call the mopen and see if I can get an interview. Do you have the details?

  W:Sure. It’s the added circle with the red pen in the middle of the classifies, .Good luck.

  Dialogue 2

  M:Well, Was there any vacancy in the form?

  W:Yes, there’re a few.

  M:Did you fill out an application form?

  W:Yes, it only took me about ten minutes to fill out the form. It was the shortest application form that I’ve ever seen.

  M:Did you get an interview?

  W:Actually, they gave an interview right away.

  M:Really? How did it go?

  W:It went really well. I thought I would be a disaster because I wasn’t prepared for an interview.But it turned out to be really good.It sounds like more of a conversation with an old friend than an interview with a stranger.

  M:That’s excellent!When will you find out if you get the job or not?

  W:She said she’ll contact me within a few days.

  M:When will they want the start?

  W:On Monday.

  M:If they offer you the job, would you be free to join them so soon?

  W:You know me. I’ve been jobless for ages. If they offer me the job, I will start immediately if I have to.

  M:What is the position that they’re hiring for?

  W:They need someone to create music for educational purposes.

  M:That sounds fantastic!You’ll be great at that!

  W:Thanks.Cross your fingers for me.

  日常英语交流对话:Keeping time


  C. Tristan, Could you stay a few extra miniutes to discuss your project with me?

  T. Sure, We are on a pretty tight schedule, but we should be able to finish it just on time.

  C.Are all of your team members on schedule?

  T;A few of the graphic designers are a bit behind in their work because of computer problems.

  C.How have they decided to deal with that?

  T. They have agree to work over-time until it’s finished.They’ve even decided to come in on the weekend.

  C. That’s true dedication. I’m impressed. When is it due?

  T.We agree that the deadline was next Friday.

  C.Right. Well, given that your colleagues are working so hard on this project. I suppose we could change that deadline to Monday morning. I won’t have time to look over it on the weekend anyway.

  T.That’d be very helpful. An extra weekend is all they really need.Thanks!

  C.That’s alright. Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the new deadline.

  T. I will.

  C. I know you have a tight schedule, so I won’t take up more of your time. Have a good evening.

  T.You, too. See you tomorrow.

  Dialogue 2

  T.Since you did such a fantastic job running the last project, I’d like you to be in charge of this one.

  C. OK, Is the deadline soon?

  T. No, you can take your time on thisi project. We have plenty of time to get it done.

  C.That’s great! When is the deadline exactly?

  T.It isn’t due until after the bank holiday next month.

  C.So we’ve got a month and a fortnight to complete it.

  T. That’s right. Here is a copy of the project proposal we have worked out for you.

  C.It seems very thorough.

  T.It should be. We have spent the last few months working on the details of the proposal, which will be finalized in a meeting this afternoon. I know it’s short notic, but we need you to be there.

  C.What time does the meeting start?

  T. It start at 3:15 and it should last no more than 2 hours.

  C.Where is it going to be held?

  T.In the boardroom. Make sure you read through the proposal and come prepared to discuss it in detail. Today will be a busy day for you, but from next week on, you should be in less of a rush.

  C. Don;t worry. I can handle it, Is that all?

  T. Yes. Remember: don’t be late to the meeting.

  C. I won’t. See you at 3:15.

  日常英语交流对话:What’s going on

  Dialogue 1:

  Kate: You’re rather energetic today.What’s going on?

  Isaac:Nothing really.I think I’ve had a few too many coffees.

  K:Free coffee is one of the perks at this place,isn’t it?

  I:It’s the ONLY perk of this job! How’s your day going?

  K:Not that well. I’ve got that Monday morning feeling today.

  I:Why it that?

  K:My boss has been brating down my neck all day. I can’t wait for the weekend!

  I:Your boss is a real slave-driver,isn’t he?

  K:You can say that again! He won’t even let us check our personal email at work!

  I:That’s not just your boss. No one is allowed to send personal emails from the office.

  K:Really? I didn’t know that it was against company policy.

  I:Maybe your boss isn’t so horrible afte all!

  K:No,he is. Some bosses will bend the rules a bit sometimes, but not my boss.He always follows the rules to a T.

  I:Try not to let it bother you too much.

  K:Thanks.I better get back to my work before my boss yells at me again.

  I:OK,I’ll see you in a bit.

  K:Alright.See you later.



  日常英语对话1:Overseas Study

  V. What do you think of studying abroad?

  L. I think it’s a great idea. Studying abroab will offter you plenty of new opportunities.

  Are you planning on going abroad?

  V: Yes, I hope to. I’m studying for my IELTS right now.

  L: Have you applied to any schools there?

  V: Yes, I received a conditional offer from OXford University a few days ago.

  L: Congratulations! That’s excellent news! What do you have to do to get an unconditional offer?

  V: I have to get an IELTS score of 7.5 overall. Do you think I can do that?

  L: If you study hard. I don’t see why you wouldn’t. Have you received any others?

  V: I was also accepted into Yale university, and Sydney University.

  L:If you are worried about money, the cost of living is lowest in America. However, if you go to Oxford

  University , you will probably be able to get any job you want in the future.

  V: I just can’t decide where to go. It’s not an easy decision to make.

  L: If I were you, I’d apply for some scholarships and grants before you decide. Whatever you do, I know you will succeed.

  日常英语对话2:Overseas Study

  I: How did you do on your IELTS exam?

  V: Fantastic! I got an overall score of eight.

  I: That’s excellent! have you received your conditional offer?

  V: Yes. I’m just waiting until I officially get admitted to the university with a conditional offer to apply for my visa.

  I: Do you know where the visa office is?

  V: No.

  I: It’s just near the Dong Si Shi Tiao subway stop.

  V: That’s not too far away. Do you think I’ll get a visa?

  I: Have you ever gone abroad before?

  V: Yes, I’ve been to Thailand, Egypt, and Japan.

  I: Have you ever been denied a visa before?

  V: Never.

  I: That’s good. Are you planning on immigrating to another country?

  V: No, I want to e back to China after I graduate.

  I: That’s exactly what the visa officers want to hear. Do you have enough money for tuition and room and board?

  V: I’ve received a full scholarship, so I won’t need any other money to live off of while i’m studying.

  I: I think you have a very good chance of getting a visa, I can help upi prepare for the visa interview if you want.

  V: That’s be great, The more prepared I am, the better.

  日常英语对话3:City sightseeing

  TTaylor EEvan

  T: The May holiday is ing up soon. Are you planning on going on vacation?

  E: I am. I just went to the travel agent’s and picked up these brochures.

  T: Where are you planning on going?

  E: I fancy going to Tibet for a few days. Have you ever been there?

  T: I went a long time ago, before they built the new train that can take you there.

  E: Would you remend going there for a few days?

  T: Personally, I think it’d be better to go when you have more time. A few days isn’t really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital.

  E: You’re probably right. What do you think about Yangshuo?

  T: It’s a beautiful city, but I think it’s bee to touristy. How about going to a co *** opolitan caty like Shanghai or Hong Kong?

  E: I’d like to get away from the big city life.

  T: Maybe you should consider going to a hot springs resort outside of Beijing. I heard they are very relaxing.

  E: I guess if I only have a few days, I should probably think about going somewhere that isn’t too far away.

  T: Since the May holiday is the high season, You should probably call ahead to reserve a room. Here’s the phone number.

  E: Thanks; I’ll give them a call later.




  日常英语口语对话:local snacks

  Dialogue One

  W:I’m hungry,let’s go to the snack bar.

  M:OK, what new usual food do you want to try?

  W:I’m going to try gartergater.

  M:What’s that?

  W:It’s a kind of rice ball that make of Malaysia, what about you?

  M:I don’t know, I don’t knowwhat most food here is.

  W:Do you want noodles, vegetables, rice, meat ,seafood, bean or dessert.

  M:I’d like to have some vegetables first.

  W:Have you ever tryed tempera?

  M:No, what is it?

  W:It’s deep fryed vegetables which is ing in Japan.

  M:What do you use to eat it?

  W:Most people eat tempera with chopsticks, but you can use fork if you don’t know how to use chopsticks.

  M:That sounds good, do you know here serve any vegetables dishes that spicy?

  W:Let me think, you could get vegetable Indian or Thaicurry.

  M:I’ll try all of those, how do know so much about international food?

  W:I used to buy lunche everyday for international food stores at school, everyday is an inventure.

  Dialogue Two

  M:It’s time for desserts, are you still hungry?

  W:I’ve always got real to something sweet.

  M:What are you going to try first?

  W:I’ve never tryed traditional Greek yoghurt, so I want to try that first.

  M:Is this yoghurt with anything?

  W:I believe that locally prejuce honey to it.

  M:That sounds good, I’m going to start with the Italian tilmisue.

  W:Do you want to try some my yoghurt, It’s a favor everyday dessert in Greece.


  W:What do you think, how does it taste?

  M:It’s nice, but it’s rather plain, do you want to try my tilmisue?

  W:Sure, I’ll just buy it.

  M:What do you think, does it taste good?

  W:It’s absolutely delicious, that’s the best tilmisue I’ve had.

  M:I’m glad you like it, I don’t care for it, when I to finish my tilmisue, that I can try one of those fryed bananas.

  W:OK, I’ve had ones before, they are very sweet.

  M:Do you know where are they from?

  W:I believe that the local garlic in the south.

  M:Do you want me to get you want to?

  W:Yeah, why not, we vert the pig does it is.

  M:OK, I’ll be back with two try bananas in few minutes, wait for me here.

  日常英语口语对话:How About Game

  Dialogue One

  W:Do you like playing games?

  M:I like playing puter games, but I’m not reall into ball games.

  W:How about individual games? Like the lubiscub ball solertale.

  M:The lubiscub is so difficult to solve, that I think that it should be binded.

  W:If I told you had do it, I’m sure you could solve it.

  M:How do you figure out how to solve the lubiscub?

  W:I didn’t really have to figure out, I just follow the instructions.

  M:I have no idea that I’ve set the instructions, I thought everyone could solve it without geniuses.

  W:Hints are really important when you are solving pazzles, if you give me some hints about playing that PSTWO game, I’ll show you how to solve the lubiscub.

  M:It’s a deal.

  W:Do you remember years ago when everyone at the New Year’s party had yo-yos?

  M:Yeah, that was a strange party, can you still do any of those yo-yo tricks?

  W:I don’t know, I haven’t tryed to yo-yo since that party.

  M:I can’t never figure out how to use my yo-yo.

  W:If you don’t start when you were young, it’s hard to get hand of it.

  M:Let’s start with this game then.


  Dialogue Two

  M:What are you doing?

  W:I’m just trying to plete today’s crossword pazzle, when I ever get time I like to do the crossword pazzles in the paper.

  M:You really like brain that makes you think, don’t you?

  W:I guess you could say that, what kind of games do you like?

  M:I guess the games I like most is the ones I’m good at.

  W:Does everyone? Which game of those?

  M:Well, I like to play darts when I ever go to a bar, I usually play it for few hours.

  W:Did you play a lot of games when you were little?

  M:My parents used to love to play checks and dominals, we used to have a family entertainment at every weekend.

  W:Do you still like playing those games?

  M:Not at all, I never really did it to be honest, what about you, did your family used to play games together?

  W:Everyone in my family really enjoys playing card games.

  M:Some of my friends play cards on the internet, have you ever tryed that?

  W:No, I prefer to play with people I know.

  M:How about majiang?

  W:It’s a popular game with some people, but I’ve never played it.

  M:I thought everyone in your country are experts at majiang.

  W:I hate to disapoint you, but I unlike most people think, we aren’t exactly the same.

  日常英语口语对话:Pets Will Never Leave You

  Dialogue One

  W:Do you like animal?

  M:Yes,doesn’t everyone?

  W:What’s your favorite animal?

  M:It’s hard to say, well, dogs are affectionate, cats are much easier to take care of.

  W:Have you ever had a dog?

  M:When I was little, we had a few dogs at home.

  W:They always say dogs are men’s best friends, do you think that’s true?

  M:Definitely, which your poor dogs always love their master.

  W:How about cats, have you ever had one for a pet?

  M:I had one a few months ago, but she ended up running away.

  W:How did that happen?

  M:She left through window that was open one night, and never returned.

  W:You must been deverstayed at it.

  M:I was pretty sad, I still hope that she returns someday.

  W:I hope she does, did you think you’ll get another pet?

  M:I think i will, It’s difficult to feel lovely when you have a pet around.

  W:I hope your cat find it’s way back home.

  M:I do, too.

  Dialogue Two

  M:Is that your rabbit?

  W:Yes, I just doctor her from human’s society this weekend.

  M:That’s good of you, why did you decide to get a rabbit?

  W:Well, I want to get a pet woundn’t disturb the neighbours, at the same time, I want a pet that would be affectionate.

  M:Rabbits aren’t usually that affectionate, are they?

  W:If you caluo them a lot when they were very young, they can just be as affectionate as dogs or cats.

  M:I didn’t know, are rabbits difficult to take care of?

  W:Not really, I went to the veterinary to get her vaccinated, and she taught me all I need to do, with to make sure trim it’s nails time to time, give her food and water, and clean it’s cage.

  M:That sounds pretty easy, do rabbits make your house *** ell?

  W:No, rabbits aren’t very stinky, as long as you clean the cage on the regular basis, it’s not too bad.

  M:Can you train a rabbit to do things?

  W:You can’t train them like you can train dogs, but you can train them to do some things, for example, you can train them to go to the bathroom, in a special rabbit toilet.

  M:That’s amazing, has she bited you yet?

  W:Not yet, she is pretty tame, I think she must used to being around lots of different people.


1. How are you doing?(你好吗?)

2. I’’m doing great.(我过得很好。)

3. What’’s up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)

4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的。)

5. Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。)

6. So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。)

7. Things couldn’’t be better.(一切顺利。)

8. How about yourself?(你自己呢?)

9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。)

10. Are you making progress?(有进展吗?)

11. May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)

12. I’’ve heard so much about you.(久仰大名。)

13. I hope you’’re enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。)

14. Let’’s get together again.(改天再聚聚。)

15. That’’s a great idea!(好主意!)

16. Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。)

17. I’’m glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。)

18. Don’’t forget us.(别忘了我们。)

19. Keep in touch.(保持联系。)

20. I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。)

21. Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。)

22. Same to you.(彼此彼此。)

23. Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。)

24. Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。)

25. Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。)

26. Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。)

27. I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。)

28. You’’re always welcome.(别客气/不用谢)

29. Forget it.(算了吧)

30. It was my pleasure.(不用谢。)

31. I made a mistake.(我弄错了。)

32. I’’m terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。)

33. I must apologize!(我必须道歉!)

34. I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。)

35. It’’s not your fault. (那不是你的错。)

36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you.(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。)

37. What do you do?(你做什么工作?)

38. How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?)

39. I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。)

40. I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。)

41. What’’s wrong?(怎么回事?)

42. What happened?(发生什么事了?)

43. I hope nothing is wrong.(我希望一切顺利。)

44. I know how you feel.(我知道你的感受。)

45. Sorry to hear that.(听到这个消息我很难受。)

46. Come on, you can do that.(来吧,你能做到的。)

47. Use your head.(动动脑筋。)

48. You did a great job.(你赶得很好。)

49. That’’s very nice of you.(你真好。)

50. I’’m very proud of you.(我为你感到自豪。)

51. I like your style.(我喜欢你的风格。)

52. I love you guys.(我爱你们。)

53. How do I look?(我看起来怎么样?)

54. You look great!(你看上去棒极了!)

55. That’s fantastic!(那真是棒极了!)

56. That’s really something.(那真是了不起!)

57. It’s a pleasure working with you.(与您合作很愉快。)

58. Congratulations on you success.(祝贺你的成功。)

59. I’d like to propose a toast.(我提议干杯!)

60. Are you married or single?(你结婚了吗?)

61. I’ve been dying to see you.(我非常想见到你。)

62. I’m crazy about you.(我为你疯狂/痴迷/神魂颠倒。)

63. I love you with all my heart.(我全心全意爱你!)

64. You’re everything to me.(你是我的一切!)

65. You’re in love!(你恋爱了!)

66. I’m tired of working all day.(整日工作使我厌烦。)

67. You work too much.(你做得太多了。)

68. Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。)

69. Are you crazy?(你疯了吗?)

70. Have you got it?(明白了吗?)

71. I’ve got it.(我懂了。)

72. I can’t afford that.(我承担/买不起。)

73. I did it, I’m so happy now.(我做到了,现在我很满意

74. I don’t care.(不关我的事/我不管。)

75. I don’t think so.(我不这么想/我看不会/不行/不用。)

76. I guess so.(我想是吧。)

77. I have no other choice.(我别无选择。)




























  W=Woman M=Man

  W: Hi Dave. Sorry. Do you mind?


  M: Sorry?


  W: We don’t smoke in the house.


  M: Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t know.


  W: That’s all right. It’s no problem.


  Conversation 2

  M1 = 1 st man M2=2nd man

  M1 : So they’ve invited me to dinner at their home.


  M2: Wonderful. And they’re also from Morocco?


  M1 : The same as you. From Morocco.


  M2: That’ll be great.


  M1 : So, do I need to bring a dish? Like, bring some food?


  M2: No, it’s not necessary. You can bring a small gift if you want but you don’t need to bring food.



  Steven:Hey!Marry,what’s going on with you?You look a bit down.


  Marry:Steven,I really don’t know what to do!

  Steven:What happend?


  Mary:Remember last night after we four watched the movie,Thomas offered me a ride?On the way home,he suddenly told me that he’d been thinking about a relationship between us for a long time.You know,he’s a nice friend.But I don’t think he’s my type as boy friend.I just kept silent and smiled at him,cuz I really didn’t know what to do.If you were me,what would you do in this situation?


  Steven:If I were you,I’d tell him in a straightforward way.An intense immediate pain saves long and endless suffering.Just tell him.


  Mary:It’s a bit tough.But I’ll try.



  Linda:Hello! Who is speaking?

  John:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda。

  Linda:This is her。

  John: Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening。

  Linda:Really? What time and where?

  John: 7:30 pm, at Longding Chinese restaurant. I’ll be at your place at 7:00 to pick you up if you need a ride。

  Linda:Yes, please. I’ll need a ride. I’ll be waiting for you then。

  John: See you tomorrow at 7:00. Make sure you dress a little formally. I heard the restaurant is kind of upscale。

  Linda:Thank you. See you then。

  John:See you。


  Frank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?

  Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。

  Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the International Business Center。

  Jane:When do you expect him back?

  Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。

  Jane:Yes, thank you. When he gets back, please let him know that Jane called and I need him to call me back。

  Frank:Does he have your number?

  Jane:Yes, he does. But I’ll give it to you again, 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6.

  Frank:That was 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6, right?

  Jane:Yes. Thank you very much。

  Frank:You’re welcome。





  W: May I see you around 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, please?

  M: Certainly. Come to my office at 10:10. Be prompt, please. I’ve another appointment at 11:00.

  W: Don’t worry. I’ll be there right on time.


  A: My watch always gains ten minutes a day.

  B: That’s funny. My watch always loses ten minutes a day.

  A: No kidding.

  B: I am serious. Every morning I set my watch by the radio, but it still loses ten minutes.

  A: You know what you can do?

  B: Throw it away and buy a new one.

  A: No, you don’t have to. You only need to put your watch back ten minutes every day.

  B: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day?

  A: Yes, that’s what I am doing.

  B: Why bother? Just buy a new watch. It doesn’t cost much. Besides, I just can’t put up with this thing any more.


  W: How do I set up an E-mail account?

  M: Oh, that’s easy. Go to www.onxiu.cn. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope.

  W: Which link?

  M: That one, the one that says “Mail”.

  W: Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password.

  M: Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User“?

  W: Yes.

  M: Click on that.

  W: Oh, I see.

  M: Yeah, just fill out this form and choose a password. The computer will do the rest.


  W: Can you help me do an internet search?

  M: Sure. What do you want to find?

  W: I want to find information on World War Two.

  M: Well, can you be more specific? There are a lot of websites about that.

  W: Yes, I want to know about the Normandy Landing.

  M: Ok. Well, go to www.google.com, and type in “Normandy Landing”.

  W: Oh, wow! There are lot of sites.

  M: Here, try this one. It’s a good site about Normandy Landing.

  W: Thanks.

  M: For ditailed information, however, you should read a history book.

  W: Thanks. If I am interested, I’ll go to the library.


  M: So how did you meet Bill?

  W: I met him through a computer bulletin board.

  M: Oh, really? Which bulletin board?

  W: It was one I used down at the local coffee house called the San Francisco Net. It’s been around since around 1991.

  M: I’ve heard about that, but I’ve never tried it.

  W: You ought to. One dollar buys you 15 minutes of computer time. A “Chat session” links you with cappuccino sippers in other cafes and also to home computers on the network.

  M: I have no desire to talk on a network with a bunch of strangers.

  W: That’s the whole point. All your inhibitions disappear because you can’t see the other person. This network allows you to talk to people whom you normally wouldn’t talk to.

  M: I just want a private conversation with one other person.

  W: You can do that. A private session lets two people talk alone. This techno-chat program lets you talk about anything with everybody, without prejudice because you can’t see them.

  M: Well, maybe I’ll tag along and watch how you talk.

  W: That’s fine with me, but we’ll have to get there early. Because after 8:00 pm, there is always a long line.

  M: It’s that popular?

  W: It sure is.

  M: Ok, ok. We are there tonight. So what does it cost?

  W: One dollar buys 15 minutes of computer time. This talk isn’t cheap.

  M: I don’t know. I’ll feel funny talking through a computer.

  W: Remember, that’s how I met Bill. I guarantee you can talk to girls who would never talk to you if they saw your face.

  M: What’s that supposed to mean?

  W: Look in the mirror, man.



  掌握好一些常用的 英语口语 表达,能让你的英语口语交际能力更上一层楼。下面我为大家带来基本日常生活情景对话,欢迎大家学习!


  A : Do you offer any quantity discounts?

  A :大量购买有折扣吗?

  B : No, we don’t.

  B: 不,没有。

  A: Then give us three cases of this.

  A: 那么这种的就买三箱好了。


  A : We can make the price lower if you would order a bit more.

  A: 如果你单子下多一点,我们可以减价。

  B: How much more?

  B: 还要多下多少?

  A: Just three more cases.

  A: 只要再加三箱就可以了。

  B: I think we can do that.

  B: 那我想没问题。


  A: Your prices seem a little high.

  A :你们的价钱高了一些。

  B : We could make them lower for you.

  B :我们可以算你便宜一点。

  A : How?

  A :怎么个便宜法?

  B : If you order in large lots, we’ll reduce the price.



基本日常生活情景对话相关 文章 :

1. 日常生活情景对话

2. 日常生活简单英语对话

3. 日常生活英语情景对话

4. 有关日常生活情景对话

5. 日常生活情景对话:童年生活







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