
2023-06-07 05:36:49 20













尽管2009年名人堂已经星光熠熠,包含了大卫罗宾逊,约翰斯托克顿,杰里斯隆和C.Vivian Stringer,但是麦克乔丹的演讲时间还是比其他人都要长一些。
这是我的第二故乡,我现在还住在这里,很多人可能以为我不住这了,但我确实还住在这里。Jonathan Kovler和Rod Thorn邀请我这个懵懂的小伙子来芝加哥,那是我第一次离开家乡。北卡到威明顿只有2.5小时车程,因此看上去并不远。他们把我带入行,我开始挣钱过活。他们信任我,我也信任他们。这个关系一直延续到现在。我将永远,永远的热爱芝加哥城,感谢那些支持我的球迷。除了我所做的,我没有更多可以回报球迷的。我也不打算再索取。我只是希望大家能够记住我给这座城市创造的贡献。毫无疑问,没有大家的支持我不可能站在这里。
他可能可以站在这里回答你所有的问题。他很喜欢谈到我。我想他已经看到我长大成人。我曾是他 的学生,他教会我很多。如果他今天在这里,他应该纵情欢乐一下。我想他应该对我所做的一切感到自豪,对我做出的决定,好的还是坏的,感到自豪,和所有父亲一样:他会很高兴,并且对我职业生涯获得的成就感到满意。他的精神在这里,我能确信这一点。当你看到我,你就看到了他,你看我的母亲,我的兄弟和我的姐妹。我代表我整个家庭站在这里,我想他们和我一样对进入名人堂感到自豪,一个美好的周末。
我看到一些他们相似的地方。这就是篮球的演变。当我出道后,人们总是那我和J博士相比较。我是Walter Davis的粉丝。显然,你们知道我与大卫汤普森的关系。你怎么能不看到自己和科比,詹姆斯的相似之处?他们会感到很有趣。但是,不要急于设法找出下一个迈克尔乔丹。看上去不会有下一个迈克尔乔丹。我是说,方式不同,时间不同,游戏规则,产生的球员也会不同。人们不断努力寻找下一个迈克尔乔丹。首先,你没有找到我。我刚好到来。而接下来你就知道,我在这里。所以你没有找我。而且你不会发现下一个。这不会发生。我敢肯定你们是要承认它。如果还没有准备好,你总会意识到,你们会认为这些小伙子们拥有比乔丹更好的潜力。他们将建立自己的历史,他们就是自己。只需给他们一些时间。
K.C. Johnson
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — Give Hall of Fame officials credit for this. Despite a stellar 2009 class that includes David Robinson, John Stockton, Jerry Sloan and C. Vivian Stringer, Michael Jordan’s question-and-answer session at Friday morning’s news conference lasted far longer than the others.
Here are the highlights:
Q: Who did Mike want to be like?
My father probably. As you can see, I have a strong resemblance of him. I could not avoid that, without a doubt. If everybody wants to be like Mike, I’m pretty sure that starts with a haircut and suntan. I’m just happy to be myself, no matter how you look at it.
Q: What’s your favorite basketball related moment?
That’s so hard. That’s like asking which one of your kids is your best kid. I’ve had so many great accomplishments, so many spectacular plays, big plays, game-winning shots. It’s hard for me to pick one. If I started with 1982 at UNC, I could end with the shot in Utah or playing on the Dream Team, playing baseball. Although you guys don’t consider that to be successful I do. There are so many that it would be too difficult to pick out one. I’m just happy with everything.
Q: What would you say to Chicago fans?
That’s my second home. I still live there. A lot of people don’t think I still live there, but I do. For what they have given me, starting with Jonathan Kovler and Rod Thorn, who actually drafted me and took this kid who had never been to a big city at all. It was my first time being away from home. UNC from Wilmington is only 2.5 hours so I wasn’t really away. But they took me in. And I had to earn my keep. They believed in me. I believed in them. That marriage lasted up until now. I will always, always have the deepest warmth for the city of Chicago and the support I’ve received from them. Other than what I’ve done, I can’t give back any more. And I wouldn’t ask for any more. I just want them to be able to remember the things I contributed to the city. And hopefully at some point down the road, they can have another championship just so they can compare the two. I wouldn’t be standing here without their support without a doubt.
Q: Can you talk about the rivalry with the Utah Jazz and was John Stockton the dirtiest player in the league?
I wouldn’t say Stockton was the dirtiest player in the league. I can name a few others. You can say dirty. I say he’s a tough, hard-nosed type of guy who played with every inch of his body physically and mentally. For us to beat them twice, I think says a lot about our team. Because they were a great, great team. They easily could’ve beat us twice. It was great competition between the two teams. Those guys—Stockton, Malone, Coach Sloan—represented what Utah was all about. They were great adversaries. I enjoyed competing against them. They raised my level of competition to the highest levels. The fortunate part is I ended up on top a couple of times.
Q: What would your late father James be thinking today?
He’d probably like to be standing here answering all your questions. He loved to speak for me. I think now he understands I’m a grown person. I’ve learned from him. He taught me well. If he was here today, I’m pretty sure he’d be living it up. And I think he’d be very proud of what I’ve done over my career and the choices that I’ve made, good and bad. It’s like any Father: He would probably have a face of elation and joy about things I’ve achieved in my career. He is here in spirit; I know that. When you see me, you see him, you see my Mother and my brothers and sisters. I represent my whole family. I’m sure they’re as proud as I am to be standing here in the Hall of Fame, enjoying this weekend.
Q: How do you react to being called The Greatest?
People say I was the greatest ever to play to the game. I cringe a little bit. I receive it as an opinion. But for me personally, I never played against Jerry West. I never played against Elgin Baylor. I never played against Wilt Chamberlain. Yeah, I would’ve loved to. But to say I’m better than those people is not for me to decide. I’m happy for the accomplishments and what people might say. But just to be a part of that debate is a privilege. But I would never give myself that type of accolade because I never competed against everybody in this Hall of Fame.
Q: What are your early memories of the Bulls?
When I first got to Chicago, they weren’t doing well. The only way we could go was up. We couldn’t go further down. I came from a prestigious university that was built on winning. So my attitude was to do whatever I could to help this team win. And the level of winning changed over the years. At that time winning for us was getting into the playoffs. And once we got into the playoffs, it was getting past the first round. And then it was getting to the Eastern Conference finals. And then getting to the Finals. That road happened over a period of time. We changed players, got better ones. Not to say the players when I first got there were bad. It’s just I felt we needed chemistry to change and it did over a period of years. Management did a good job of changing the personnel. We went through three coaches. Doug Collins made a big impact of trying to put together a unique team that could compete for a championship. And then Phil came in and finished it off. And I think the city has to be proud. It’s known as a hard-working environment and that happened with the Bulls. And once we got on top, we didn’t want to relinquish that. I’m glad I was a part of that. I came in when there were 6,000 people in the stands. And most of the people that were coming towards the end of my career were there when the building was selling out every single night. I didn’t want them to misunderstand where the Bulls came from and how hard the fight was to get there. So I was a little more animated and strong-voiced at the end. My teammates, if they can ever say anything about me, it was that we won. I remember having a conversation with Tex Winter, who was an unbelievable coach. I remember one game coming off the floor and I had scored like 20 points in a row to win the game. Tex reminded me there’s no “I” in team. I looked back and Tex and said, “There’s an “I” in win. So which way do you want it?”
Q: What do you think of Kobe Bryant and LeBron James?
I see some resemblance. That’s the evolution of basketball. When I was coming up, it was always comparisons to Dr. J. I was a big Walter Davis fan. Obviously you guys know my relationship with David Thompson. How can you not see a resemblance of yourself in Kobe Bryant and LeBron James? They’re going to be fun. But don’t be a rush to try to find the next Michael Jordan. There’s not going to be another Michael Jordan. I say that in a way that times are different, the games are different, the desire to have that type of player is different. People are constantly trying to find the next Michael Jordan. First of all, you didn’t find me. I just happened to come along. And the next thing you know, here I am. So you didn’t have to find me. And you won’t have to find that next person. It’s going to happen. And I’m pretty sure you guys are going to recognize it. If you haven’t already, in due time you’ll know. And I think those guys have strong potential to be better than Michael Jordan down the road. They’re going to create their own name, their own persona. So just give it time.
Q: Have you talked to Phil Jackson about being in the Hall together and what was his influence on your career?
I haven’t talked to Phil. You know he’s one of those elusive guys. I don’t know if he’s Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota. I don’t know where he is right now. Phil is one of those guys who when it was announced in March that I was going to be in the Hall of Fame, he already had a tape ready saying congratulations. And that was seven months ago. You never know what to expect from Phil. He challenged me. He challenged me at times I needed to be challenged. Mentally, he made me expand my outlook about the game, my perception of my teammates and what to expect from them. He put me in difficult positions in dealing with other players such as Dennis Rodman, but I was able to come around. That was a great learning experience for me. He’s very deserving to be in the Hall of Fame. It doesn’t surprise me that he’s still successful with the Lakers. Because I think his makeup is taking personalities and blending those personalities together. The basketball talent was already there. I think you guys realize that before Phil got to the Lakers, they had the same personnel. It’s amazing when he got there how successful that personnel became because he was able to blend those personalities together. That’s his strong point. He did it for us. I would imagine he’s going to continue doing it until he gets tired. He impacted my career. He helped me improve as a player and person.
Q: Did your 63-point game against the Celtics early in your career help your confidence moving forward?
Yep. When you look at it up to that point, there were so many media guys saying, ‘He’s good. But he’s not in the same class as Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.’ After that game, I earned Larry Bird’s respect. To me, that says I was on the right track in terms of becoming a better player. Not the points that I scored because at the end of the day, we lost the game. But he gave me the type of confidence that I needed at that level from a player. That to me was the biggest compliment I had to that time.







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