
2023-09-16 09:15:08 19




有第三部,10月24日就要上映了!高中生特洛伊和加百利面临毕业,由于要去不同的大学学习,两人对于即将到来的离别都很难过。最后他们决定和同伴们一起举办一场音乐剧,以此来怀念那些过去的美好时刻,藉以抒发自己的希望,以及对未来的迷惘。 这是《歌舞青春》系列第一次登上大银幕,前两部在电视上播出时都创造了骄人的收视纪录。 特洛伊(扎克·埃弗隆)和加布里埃尔(瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯)即将从高中毕业,他们面临着考上不同的大学、进而被分开的局面。在“野猫”篮球队和其他好友的助阵下,他们排演了一出春季音乐剧以反映他们的经历,以及对未来的担心和希望。 迪士尼电影《歌舞青春3》将在2008年秋季上映:《歌舞青春》原是2006年迪士尼播出的一部电视电影,在青少年中颇具人气,曾刮起热潮、获奖无数。今年暑假这部影片登陆中央电视台电影频道(CCTV-6),而在美国《歌舞青春2》也再次创下收视纪录,并夺得美国青少年选择大奖(TEEN CHOICE AWARDS 2007)最佳电视电影奖在内的多项大奖。受此鼓舞的迪士尼于是决定将《歌舞青春》搬上大银幕,故事将接着前两集。 1. Now Or Never- HSM Cast 《更待何时》大合唱 Most of you know but just a recap it in the basketball game! 在篮球比赛中的曲目,大部分是大家熟悉的歌词旋律不过是个重制版本。 2. Wow!- Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《哇哦!》 New Sophomores Walk into east high! they are walking around together looking at everything and acting really weird haha sounds cool! 刚进东部高中的高二新面孔!他们四处转悠着,新奇地打量着一切,扮着鬼样子。哈哈,听起来很酷哟~ 3. My Shadow - Troy, Chad, Sharpay, Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《我的影子》 Takes Place in the gym when Chad and troy tell Donnie and jimmy to meet up for basket ball training but it turns out the Theater was full so Sharpay and Tiara are there rehearsing! 体育馆的一幕,Troy和Chad同Donnie和Jimmy说在那里集合进行篮球训练,结果却发觉因为剧场人满为患的缘故,Sharpay正带着Tiara在体育馆里排练。 4. Boys Are Back - Troy And Chad Troy and Chad are running around a junk yard smashing and banging trash can together and smashing car windows in the junk yard! Troy和Chad一起在垃圾场里疯跑,猛摔废旧易拉罐,砸破废车窗玻璃。 5. I Want It All- Sharpay And Ryan 《我全都要》 Massive cafeteria scene when there are over 500 kids dancing and singing! 自助餐厅里华丽丽的一段歌舞,超过500个年轻人唱啊跳啊~~ 6. You Think You Know What’s Best- Gabriella and Sharpay 《你自以为是要得到最好》 A sing off outside between Sharpay and Gabriella when Sharpay tries to steel troy Gabriella get fed up with it and screams at her and they start to sing! Gabriella同Sharpay的对唱的一首歌。因为Sharypay(又)想偷走Troy,Gabriella觉得受够了,就跟她吵了起来,然后开始对唱…… 7. Right Here, Right Now- Troy And Gabriella 《此时此地》 This is the first song in the Play when troy and Gabriella are sitting in the tree we all saw in the first movie! 他们毕业舞台剧演出的第一首歌,Troy和Gabriella坐在那棵第一部电影里就出现过的树上。 8. Our Prom Time!- HSM Cast 《毕业舞会开始了!》 This is a big number where the whole cast get dressed up for prom time! 这出是个大场面,所有角色都为毕业舞会穿上了正式的礼服。 9. Sing Just To Dance- Sharpay and Tiara 《载歌且舞》 The sing off between Sharpay and Tiara It is about 7 minutes long witch makes it the longest movie In HSM History! Sharpay同Tiara的这首歌长达7分钟,是高校音乐剧历史上最长的一首。 10. A Night To Remember- HSM Cast 《难忘今宵》 This song was planed to be the last song in the Play! It is mostly sung by Gabriella but there are parts where The whole cast Join In! 按计划应该是舞台表演的最后一直曲目,大部分由Gabriella来演唱,不过有几个部分是所有人都一起合的。 11. Wait Don’t Go!- Ryan 《等一下别走!》 This song it the only Solo in the movie! When everyone starts to leave as the play is finishing, Ryan runs Out grabs the mic Tells Kelsi to play any tune and he’ll sing to it! 这部电影中唯一的一首独唱!曲终人散之时Ryan突然冲上舞台拽了麦克风跟Kelsi说随便弹个什么他要即兴演唱。 12. May I Have This Dance? -Troy And Gabriella 《能和我跳支舞么?》 At stanford university when troy is going to surprise Gabriella there and he jumps out of a tree and they start to sing! Troy突然从斯坦福大学的一棵树后面跳出来给Gabriella一个惊喜,他们接着就开始唱了~ 13. We’re All In This Together (Graduation Version)- HSM Cast 《大家一起来》 There are Extra Versus in this one where Chad and taylor sing and the new sophmores and takes place during graduation! 毕业典礼上的一首,新增了Chad和Taylor以及那些新生。 14. High School Musical - HSM Cast 《高校音乐剧》 Takes Place as soon as evryone graduates! 所有人毕业了之后立马开唱的一首。 15. 1st Credit Song -(winner of HSM: Get In The Picture) 第一首片尾曲 估计就是电影最后上字幕的时候放的那种…… 16. 2nd Credit Song (Start Of Something New)*REMIXED*- Zac Efron And Vanessa Hudgens 第二首片尾歌《新的开始》Remix版 17. What Did you Think?- Zac Efron 《感觉如何?》


 故事从一场全国篮球赛开始,上半场野猫队以26比47,不敌对手。中场休息时间,大家都很气愤,教练说道:“我们还有16分钟,大家加油,不要放弃。”于是野猫队鼓起勇气再度上场。(歌曲:now or never)在下半场的比赛中,大家连打出了几个精彩的球。





歌舞青春1 2 3的剧情介绍

内容梗概 歌舞青春1 故事主角Troy Bolton是个篮球天才,自小以篮球为目标,他的父亲兼教练,指引着他。








High School Musical 3: Senior Year is a musical film released to cinemas in 2008. It is the third installment in Disney’s High School Musical film franchise. Its theatrical release in the United States began on October 24, 2008. Kenny Ortega returned as director and choreographer, as did all six primary actors.This latest sequel follows high school seniors Troy and Gabriella as they are faced with the challenging prospect of being separated after graduating from high school. Joined by the rest of their East High Wildcat friends, they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes, and fears about the future.In spite of receiving mixed reviews, in its first three days of release, High School Musical 3: Senior Year grossed $42 million in North America and an additional $40 million overseas, setting a new record for the largest opening weekend for a musical film.Plot 剧情Team captain Troy rallies the team’s spirit. ("Now or Never"). They win their last game at East High, thanks to the winning shot from their newest team member Jimmie "The Rocket" Zara. Later, at Troy’s after-match party at his house, Troy and Gabriella are seen thinking about their future and wishing that their last few months at East High would not end ("Right Here, Right Now").Sharpay meets Tiara Gold, a British exchange student whom she hires to be her personal assistant. When drama teacher Ms. Darbus notices that there were so few sign-ups for the spring musical, Sharpay suggests she could do a one-woman show. This alarms Kelsi, who is writing the show, so she immediately signs up everyone in their homeroom for it instead. This results in Ms. Darbus announcing they will create a play about their final days at East High, called Senior Year. In addition, she reveals that Sharpay, Ryan, Kelsi, and Troy have all been considered for a scholarship at Juilliard School, but only one of them is to be chosen. Troy is confused, because he did not apply to Juilliard. Sharpay becomes desperate to win the scholarship, and knowing that Kelsi will give the best songs to Troy and Gabriella in the musical, she gets Ryan to try to persuade Kelsi to give them a song, by predicting her (and Ryan’s) future ("I Want It All").The next day, Gabriella and Troy meet on the rooftop and she teaches him how to waltz ("Can I Have This Dance?"). Chad then asks Taylor to go to prom with him with a cheesy pick-up line. She initially refuses due to his lack of enthusiasm, but later agrees when Chad proves he can put in some effort and asks again in front of everyone in the school. The group rehearses for the musical, a scene about their prom night ("A Night To Remember"). The next day Ryan walks in on Kelsi composing ("Just Wanna Be With You") in the music room and performs it with her, and then he asks her to prom halfway through. While Troy and Chad reminisce about their past when thier childhood("The Boys Are Back"), Sharpay and Tiara discover that Gabriella has a chance to go to college early to Stanford. Sharpay later convinces Troy that he is the only thing keeping Gabriella from her dream ("Right Here, Right Now (Reprise)"). Troy talks to Gabriella about this over pizza, and after sharing an awkward goodnight, Gabriella sings ("Walk Away") and leaves for college the next day.Troy’s dad, Jack, talks to him about his academic future, which he expects will be in the University of Albuquerque. This assumption makes Troy become angry and confused, and he runs away, storming around East High bewildered ("Scream") until he finally screams at the top of his lungs in the theatre. Ms. Darbus has been there all this time watching and reveals that she sent in his application for Juilliard, as she knew how comfortable he was on stage and how much he liked it. Troy takes no offense and thinks about the advice given to him. Troy later gets a call from Gabriella saying that although she loves him, she will not return to Albuquerque, as she is too used to being away from him and all her friends. However, on the day of the prom, Troy visits Gabriella at Stanford University and convinces her to return, as everyone is not the same without her ("Can I Have This Dance? (Reprise)")and share a kiss together during the song. Back at East High, Jimmie receives a text from Troy to tell him to cover for him onstage because he is going to be late. The Juilliard representatives are there, and watch as the show seems to go well ("Senior Year Spring Musical").During the opening number, Kelsi and Ryan debut. While during the second number, Chad, Jason, Zeke and Martha debut, Ryan does his number with the many chorus girls; Jimmie then performs with Sharpay and embarrasses her. Troy and Gabriella appear during the second half of the show and sing their duet together. Tiara then betrays Sharpay and tells her how she is going to take over next year in the drama department. Sharpay finally learns how it feels to be humiliated, but does not wish to go down. While Tiara performs, Sharpay immediately crashes her performance and upstages her.Ms. Darbus reveals that both Kelsi and Ryan have won the Juilliard scholarship ("We’re All in This Together (Graduation Mix)"). Taylor will go to Yale University; Sharpay will go to University of Albuquerque and along with that, she will also assist Ms. Darbus in running the drama department in the fall (so that Tiara does not get to take over the Drama Department). Troy decides to go to the University of California, Berkeley, where he can play basketball, study drama, and be close to Gabriella. After learning about Troy’s decision, Chad runs offstage and into the school gym. There he and Troy work things out and learn that their college’s basketball teams will play each other the upcoming fall. Chad decides to attend Albuquerque (U of A).At the graduation ceremony, Troy gives the class speech. Throwing their caps in the air, the graduates form a giant wildcat before breaking out into song and dance ("High School Musical"). The six stars walk down the field where a curtain closes off the graduation ceremony and turns into a stage. The six stars do their signature jump, and then the camera does a close-up of each actor. They take their final bow as the curtain closes.Cast 演员 Zac Efron as Troy Bolton Vanessa Hudgens as Gabriella Montez Vanessa Hudgens, who plays Gabriella Montez, at the Melbourne premiere of High School Musical 3: Senior Year which was both critically, and commercially successful.Ashley Tisdale as Sharpay Evans Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth Lucas Grabeel as Ryan Evans Monique Coleman as Taylor McKessie Olesya Rulin as Kelsi Nielsen Chris Warren, Jr. as Zeke Baylor Ryne Sanborn as Jason Cross Kaycee Stroh as Martha Cox Alyson Reed as Ms. Darbus Bart Johnson as Coach Jack Bolton Jemma McKenzie-Brown as Tiara Gold Matt Prokop as Jimmie "The Rocket-Man" Zara Justin Martin as Donnie Dion Leslie Wing Pomeroy as Mrs. Lucille Bolton Socorro Herrera as Mrs. Montez Robert Curtis Brown as Mr. Vance Evans Kevin Katz as Jackson Cartwright Jessica Tuck as Mrs. Darby Evans David Reivers as Charlie Danforth Yolanda Wood as Mrs. Danforth Joey Miyashima as Principal Matsui Musical numbers SongLead SingersSceneNotes"Now or Never"Troy, Gabriella, Coach Bolton, Chad, Zeke, Jason and MarthaEast High gymThe championship game"Right Here, Right Now"Troy and GabriellaTroy’s TreehouseAfter-party at bolton residence"I Want It All"Sharpay and Ryan with Tiara and other studentsEast High cafeteriaSharpay’s dream sequence"Can I Have This Dance?"Troy and GabriellaRooftop garden of East HighGabriella teaches Troy the waltz"A Night To Remember"Troy, Chad, Gabriella, Jason, Zeke, Taylor, Martha, Kelsi, Sharpay, RyanEast High AuditoriumRehearsal for musical number"Just Wanna Be With You"Ryan and Kelsi; Troy and GabriellaEast High Auditorium And Music RoomA declaration of love in the music room"The Boys Are Back"Troy and ChadRiley’s Auto Salvage JunkyardTroy and Chad’s dream sequence"Right Here, Right Now" (Reprise)Troy and GabriellaGabriella’s house/Troy’s houseDeleted scene"Walk Away"GabriellaGabriella’s houseGabriella’s move to Stanford University"Scream"TroyThroughout East HighTroy’s decision to stay in theatre and basketball"Can I Have This Dance?" (Reprise)Troy and GabriellaStanford UniversityTroy convinces Gabriella to move back"Senior Year Spring Musical"Kelsi, Ryan, Sharpay, Troy, Gabriella, Jimmie & TiaraEast High Auditorium (The Spring Musical performance)Featuring: Last Chance, Now or Never(Reprise), I Want it All(Reprise),Just Wanna be with You(Reprise), A Night to Remember(Reprise)"We’re All In This Together(Graduation Mix)"Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, TaylorEast High auditorium/graduation ceremonyA reprise from the first installment"High School Musical"Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, TaylorEast High graduation ceremonyFinale希望帮到你啦,如满意望采纳耶~




1. Now Or Never- HSM Cast 《更待何时》大合唱 Most of you know but just a recap it in the basketball game! 在篮球比赛中的曲目,大部分是大家熟悉的歌词旋律不过是个重制版本。【这次重制版本很多】 2. Wow!- Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《哇哦!》 New Sophomores Walk into east high! they are walking around together looking at everything and acting really weird haha sounds cool! 刚进东部高中的高二新面孔!他们四处转悠着,新奇地打量着一切,扮着鬼样子。哈哈,听起来很酷哟~【新人啊新人~】 3. My Shadow - Troy, Chad, Sharpay, Tiara, Jimmy, Donnie 《我的影子》 Takes Place in the gym when Chad and troy tell Donnie and jimmy to meet up for basket ball training but it turns out the Theater was full so Sharpay and Tiara are there rehearsing! 体育馆的一幕,Troy和Chad同Donnie和Jimmy说在那里集合进行篮球训练,结果却发觉因为剧场人满为患的缘故,Sharpay正带着Tiara在体育馆里排练。【就是仨粉丝接过偶像的枪以便拍续集~】 4. Boys Are Back - Troy And Chad Troy and Chad are running around a junk yard smashing and banging trash can together and smashing car windows in the junk yard! Troy和Chad一起在垃圾场里疯跑,猛摔废旧易拉罐,砸破废车窗玻璃。【这俩孩子怎么了?囧】 5. I Want It All- Sharpay And Ryan 《我全都要》 Massive cafeteria scene when there are over 500 kids dancing and singing! 自助餐厅里华丽丽的一段歌舞,超过500个年轻人唱啊跳啊~~【大家都是Sharpay女王的背景~】 6. You Think You Know What’s Best- Gabriella and Sharpay 《你自以为是要得到最好》 A sing off outside between Sharpay and Gabriella when Sharpay tries to steel troy Gabriella get fed up with it and screams at her and they start to sing! Gabriella同Sharpay的对唱的一首歌。因为Sharypay(又)想偷走Troy,Gabriella觉得受够了,就跟她吵了起来,然后开始对唱……【好期待这首啊哈哈~~】 7. Right Here, Right Now- Troy And Gabriella 《此时此地》 This is the first song in the Play when troy and Gabriella are sitting in the tree we all saw in the first movie! 他们毕业舞台剧演出的第一首歌,Troy和Gabriella坐在那棵第一部电影里就出现过的树上。【什么树?当初舞台上被油漆的那棵?】 8. Our Prom Time!- HSM Cast 《毕业舞会开始了!》 This is a big number where the whole cast get dressed up for prom time! 这出是个大场面,所有角色都为毕业舞会穿上了正式的礼服。【真好啊毕业还有舞会……】 9. Sing Just To Dance- Sharpay and Tiara 《载歌且舞》 The sing off between Sharpay and Tiara It is about 7 minutes long witch makes it the longest movie In HSM History! Sharpay同Tiara的这首歌长达7分钟,是高校音乐剧历史上最长的一首。【我就说嘛捧新人来着~】 10. A Night To Remember- HSM Cast 《难忘今宵》【请无视我恶搞的翻译……】 This song was planed to be the last song in the Play! It is mostly sung by Gabriella but there are parts where The whole cast Join In! 按计划应该是舞台表演的最后一直曲目,大部分由Gabriella来演唱,不过有几个部分是所有人都一起合的。【请继续无视我恶搞的歌名翻译……】 11. Wait Don’t Go!- Ryan 《等一下别走!》 This song it the only Solo in the movie! When everyone starts to leave as the play is finishing, Ryan runs Out grabs the mic Tells Kelsi to play any tune and he’ll sing to it! 这部电影中唯一的一首独唱!曲终人散之时Ryan突然冲上舞台拽了麦克风跟Kelsi说随便弹个什么他要即兴演唱。【唯一的独唱哦~真帅~~】 12. May I Have This Dance? -Troy And Gabriella 《能和我跳支舞么?》 At stanford university when troy is going to surprise Gabriella there and he jumps out of a tree and they start to sing! Troy突然从斯坦福大学的一棵树后面跳出来给Gabriella一个惊喜,他们接着就开始唱了~【怎么又是棵树……PS,Gabriella最后考上了斯坦福大学。】 13. We’re All In This Together (Graduation Version)- HSM Cast 《大家一起来》 There are Extra Versus in this one where Chad and taylor sing and the new sophmores and takes place during graduation! 毕业典礼上的一首,新增了Chad和Taylor以及那些新生。【这首大家熟悉了吧?】 14. High School Musical - HSM Cast 《高校音乐剧》 Takes Place as soon as evryone graduates! 所有人毕业了之后立马开唱的一首。【所谓“点题”就是这样子的……】 15. 1st Credit Song -(winner of HSM: Get In The Picture) 第一首片尾曲 估计就是电影最后上字幕的时候放的那种…… 16. 2nd Credit Song (Start Of Something New)*REMIXED*- Zac Efron And Vanessa Hudgens 第二首片尾歌《新的开始》Remix版 17. What Did you Think?- Zac Efron 《感觉如何?》 Zac Efrons New Single! Zac Efron的新单曲。【我汗下绝对是捞一票粉丝尖叫的行为】

歌舞青春3结局.完全不懂啊= =


《歌舞青春3:毕业季》是由华特·迪士尼影片公司出品,由肯尼·奥特加执导,扎克·埃夫隆、瓦妮莎·哈金斯、阿什丽·提斯代尔等主演的爱情喜剧片。影片于2008年10月24日在美国上映  。









歌舞青春3所有歌曲名称High School Musical 3 Cast(歌舞青春3) 电影原声曲目:01. Now Or Never - HSM Cast (在篮球比赛还剩16分钟时唱的歌,大部分是大家熟悉的旋律) 02. Right Here, Right Now - Troy & Gabriella (毕业舞台剧演出的第一首歌,Troy和Gabriella坐在Troy家那棵第一部电影里就出现过的树上) 03. I Want It All - Sharpay & Ryan (自助餐厅里华丽丽的一段歌舞,超过500个年轻人连唱带跳) 04. Can I Have This Dance - Troy & Gabriella (在天台,Troy叫Gabriella帮他选衣服,Gabriella教Troy跳舞,还有一次:Gabriella在斯坦福大学决定不回来时,Troy突然从斯坦福大学的一棵树后面跳出来给Gabriella一个惊喜 ) 05. A Night To Remember - HSM Cast (舞台剧:为毕业舞会挑衣服,按计划应该是舞台表演的最后一支曲目) 06. Just Wanna Be With You - Ryan, Kelsi, Troy & Gabriella (Sharpay叫Ryan去偷Kelsi新作的曲,Kelsi弹给Ryan听,然后一下切入Troy和Gabriella彩排的画面) 07. The Boys Are Back - Troy & Chad (Troy和Chad去汽车垃圾场找零件) 08. Walk Away - Gabriella (Gabriella去斯坦福大学) 09. Scream - Troy (Troy为选择大学而烦恼) 10. senior year spring musical - Kelsi & Ryan, Troy & Gabriella, Sharpay & Tiara (舞台剧,长达7分钟) 11. We’re All In This Together (Graduation Mix) - HSM Cast (毕业典礼时的歌,就是第一部片尾结束的歌,不过要慢一些) 12. High School Musical - HSM Cast (所有人毕业了之后立马开唱的一首)


歌舞青春3 ,歌





2023年5月17日 08:06




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2023年6月7日 11:50




2023年9月4日 10:00

configure(config ,configure ,configuration三者的区别)

configure(config ,configure ,configuration三者的区别)

本文目录config ,configure ,configuration三者的区别configure是什么意思车上的Linux系统中如何执行“./configure”命令configured是什么意思执行configure命令常用配置con

2023年6月22日 00:57




2023年3月15日 05:09




2024年1月14日 21:30




2023年11月27日 18:00




2023年6月19日 15:20




2023年5月24日 21:40



“无可救药的意思”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看无可救药的意思(无可救药和无药可救是一个意思吗)!本文目录无可救药和无药可救是一个意思吗无可救药是什么意思无可救药什么意思 无可救药的出处“无可救药“是什么意思

2024年5月2日 16:15



本文目录狂的同音字是什么呢黄的同音字是狂的笔画狂然的狂怎么读狂吠拼音狂怎么读 狂拼音怎么读狂大写字母狂拼音怎么读狂的同音字是什么呢黄的同音字是狂的同音字是:诳、_、_一、狂拼音:kuáng释义:1、本称狗发疯,后亦指人精神失常:狂犬。疯狂。

2023年6月22日 08:44




2024年5月13日 11:30